Places to go

Monday, January 23, 2012

Sew What?

I am not a "seamstress" - I sew, because I enjoy it. Usually. But I don't mind imperfection, and I would rather have something imperfect that I made, than perfect, that I bought. Usually.

I've been working on the boys vintage-y room for awhile, but lost momentum when I couldn't find the right kind of matching bedding. I didn't want "theme" (spiderman, dinosaur, airplane, etc) and I wanted a duvet cover. I really wanted ticking stripes, but couldn't find anything. And duvet's that were ok were insanely expensive. Since I needed 2, I was looking at well over $150 for matching duvet sets for the boys. No. Thank. You. 

Sew...I ordered some 52" wide navy/white ticking from, purchased 2 clearance full size white flat sheets from Target...and I was on my way. 

 I used a twin comforter as my guide for the width of my duvet cover - because it was wider than the ticking, I had to cut an additional strip of ticking and sew it down the side so it was as wide as the comforter. Then I sewed the white sheet onto the ticking on 3 sides and cut off the extra. I purchased a full size so I would have enough fabric, a twin wouldn't have been enough.

 Once I made my "pocket", I sewed some velcro to the top, stuffed the comforter in, and made the beds. It isn't perfect. I just cut and sewed. It's basically just a big pillowcase, but for about $30 TOTAL! I LOVE the way they came out...


Linking up to:
Between Naps on the Porch: Metamorphosis Mondays
Skip to my Lou: Made by you Monday 
Be Colorful: Motivated Monday 
The Gunny Sack: What's in the Gunny Sack? 
Making the World Cuter Monday
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia: Tuesdays Treasures


  1. They turned out amazing! Whenever I sew something, I'm so glad when it turns out! Their room looks great! I also wanted to let you know I'm hosting my first giveaway...I'd love you to stop by & enter to win a My Memories digital scrapbooking software. Thanks!

    1. Thanks Sally! I'm especially happy when I can do 2 identical ones!!
      Thanks for stopping by!
      Xo- chris

  2. Wow--I LOVE this look! I'm actually working on my son's room (he's 4) and I'd love to have a duvet like yours. I'm also going for a vintage vibe. Totally love it. Pinning it right now:) Found you through Tuesday's Treasures.

    1. Thanks for dropping by Kat! Pin away ;)
      Xo- chris

  3. Looks so good! You did the lampshades, too, huh? I got a keen eye :) Rana

  4. Super cute! Love the blog and all your fun projects.

    1. Thanks shanade! Thanks for dropping by!
      Xo- chris

  5. Are you kidding, while I been searching for $100 and up duvets you made one for $30! I'm so jealous!! :) Awesome job! Love the kids rooms! So glad you linked up today!!

    1. Thanks Sherika! Good luck on your search- ;-)
      Xo - Chris

  6. I made one like this! It turned out awesome! My bed is a queen size bed so I added extra fabric on both sides and used a queen size sheet. AND I made two shams that also look great. Thank you so much for the inspiration!

    1. YAY! Great job!! So happy I inspired you :)

  7. i love to see this , awesome job i must say that, thank you very much.
