Places to go

Monday, January 30, 2012

Pinterest Inspiration

Good gravy - how did a week already go by? I've been busy running around the house like a crazy person I guess - It's been busy around here with kids and school and other house/life chores, I haven't had a whole lot of time to be inspired to do anything. I've been browsing Pinterest a lot - and have been far too inspired to make a few yummy things that ARE NOT on my "post baby lose this weight so something other than maternity fits" plan (yes, she just turned 1. Hush your mouth.) .  This was yumm-o - as Rachael Ray would say. ANNNND - I did use DIET SQUIRT. So I'm pretty sure that offsets a boat load of calories. Just sayin'.

Annnnnd. I made these. They were pretty awesome if you like peanut butter and chocolate...mmmmm hmmmm.

And then I realized I should probably quit eating. So I made something that I couldn't eat cute instead. These have been all over bloggy land - and I just had to make myself one because it fit the requirements this week 1). Fast 2). Can be finished during naptime 3).Immediate Gratification.

Since this isn't our forever house, the idea of leaving the little's growth marks on the wall makes me sad. I've seen all sorts of growth charts with dinosaurs and castles, but those weren't going to work. When I saw this, I knew. IT. WAS. MINE.

There are all sorts of perfect "tute's" on Pinterest, so I didn't take any during pictures. It's really easy, and super duper cheap. I bought an $8 whitewood board at Lowes.Though I think in my haste, I didn't do such a hot job on my lines...and may have to do it again on the back. Hmpf.

And now I will be able to take all the little marks with me, wherever we may go. Because they won't stay little for long. 

xo- Chris

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