Places to go

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Oh Snap...I mean stripe.

Alright. So, you've seen what happens when I get a wild hair after being pregnant (Stripe Post). 
I painted the white stripes over the olive walls because I wasn't really digging the green anymore. But I really did not want to repaint everything that was green. The walls NEVER end in this house, so the core of the house was green... the foyer (2 stories), the formal living room, the downstairs hallway, the dining room arches and up the stairs and hallway. So, I was trying to avoid what I already knew was inevitable repainting EVERYTHING. 

The stripes are awesome (though Mister Freckle Face did comment that it look "Dr Seussical" - thank you very much his comments have been closed). But - I didn't get over not liking the green. You know when you start to not like a color in your home...and it becomes like this THING that you just have to take care of. Now. Or else. So, I put up about 28 swatches - because I was going to be S.U.R.E. this time. I stuck to gray's - beige gray. Brown gray. Gray gray. Green gray. And then they all started to blend together. It's a hard color to choose, but I kept coming back to Grant Beige (BM) - it looked totally gray in some light. Creamy greige in other light. And it was so fresh. 

I was going to link some beautimous pictures of grant beige from around blog land, but it made my computer freeze up for the last 30 minutes so you can go look if you want. 

So, before stripes...I have somewhere. Can't find it. This whole "no before pictures before blogging" thing is going to make me nuts. 
Green/white stripes:
And now: Grant Beige and French Linen. It's dark and cloudy today (tut tut, looks like rain) so the light isn't so great. Bear with me...(ha ha. Get it. I make myself laugh). 
The hallway upstairs is long. It goes to the left where there is a closet, a playroom and the kids bathroom. To the right is the laundry room and the bonus room. That is an old sewing cabinet I bought at Goodwill for $12 and painted. There isn't a sewing machine in it, apparently it's the boys stuff secret hidey place. 
This is from the other end of the hallway. The wall on the left goes downstairs - and I didn't stripe it, because let's face it, who wants to teeter on a ladder to paint the wall, and then again to do the stripes. Plus it felt like it would be TOO much. Apparently, there is such a thing. 
On the right is the doors to the bonus room (aka man cave) and to the right of that, a bedroom. Then the gallery wall. It's always changing. My goal is to fill it up. That wall continues to a nook that overlooks to entry and that wall just keeps on a goin'. So the nook didn't get stripes either.
The stripes continue to the right, where there is another bedroom door, behind the camera is another door and the stripes stop to the left, because that goes back downstairs. Someday, I'd like to put something different on the floor. 
So, those are the new and improved stripes. 

After I started the repaint job, I saved the stripes for last, since I hadn't finished them in their original color so long before. I knew it would make me a little nuts. But overall, stripes are easy. I just used a giant long level, frog tape, pencil and ruler (because they are spaced 12"). I made adjustments between 11-12 inches where needed because of things like light switches and thermostats. 

I drew all of my lines on the wall, and then made sure they were still level. I'm sure a laser level would be great, but I just couldn't get it right. Once I drew them on, I tape them and then put the original wall color on the tape to seal them. After that dried (doesn't take long because you are just sealing the tape) I put the new paint on and immediately pulled the tape off, otherwise you could have issues pulling off the paint. It wasn't hard, just a little time consuming. But so rewarding...

So, since I've already done a stripe post...I'll show some more pictures of the house where Grant Beige replaced Churchill Hotel Olive.

I also did the back of the house - family room / kitchen - in Grant Beige. But...uh. It's after Christmas, and kids and stuff...and Christmas stuff...yeah, it's all over in there. So, that's another day. I hope you will be inspired to just paint what you don't like anymore. 

I'm linking up here:
C.R.A.F.T Making Mondays Marvelous


shabby creek cottage

Catch a Glimpse Button


  1. I love those stripes, and your photo/art gallery!

    I painted some bright yellow stripes on my bathroom ceiling, love 'em!

  2. Found you at Shabby Creek Cottage's Transformation Thursday. Love the stripes!! I've been considering them myself for a long time now, but haven't gotten up the courage. I'm a perfectionist, so I worry about them turning out just right with no leaking under the tape.

  3. Stopping by from TT&J - I always feel like the people who are clear down at the bottom get left out of comments even though they have some of the best ideas! I love the way your hallway turned out - making stripes is so bold but so awesome at the same time and your house looks so cute! Great job!


  4. This looks amazing-I'm your newest follower-stop by for a visit!

  5. This is SOO cute.. I love it.. The turn out is AMAZING..Lots of inspiration here..I'm Marilyn and Stopping in via Happiest of New Year.. Wishing you success and love.. Would LOVE for you to stop in sometime (I have a linky party happening now if you'd like to share this awesome feature..) **Newest Happy Camper As Well "FOLLOWED YA!!* Happy Friday.. Xoxo..
