Places to go

Friday, April 18, 2014

DIY Faux Wood Floor {TUTURIAL}

Happy happy Friday!! 

I finally have the full tutorial for the paper "wood plank" floors I showed you (and showed you and showed you if you follow me on Facebook). What can I say. It's worth repeating myself over...see...

I was asked by my besties (ok, so,  maybe they wouldn't classify me that way) over at Remodelaholic if I would be their guest and share my tute' over on their blog (because let's face it, they know WAY more people than I do!) and get the word out on how awesome these floors are! And because I want everyone to know, I said ABSOLUTELY! 
So come on! Let's go! Head on over and learn how to create your own Faux Wood Paper Floor. Be sure to ask lot's of questions and then come back and follow me on Facebook or better yet, sign up (right over there)
to have emails sent directly to you every time I do something crazy!
