Places to go

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Bead Board Wallpaper...the best thing ever created.

I've decided that bead board wallpaper is the best thing EVER. I can do it myself. No needing help cutting giant sheets of bead board from Mister. No tools (other than scissors and a box cutter)...just some glue, and an hour. That is my kind of project. 

When we bought this house, the space (a giant corner) above the fireplace was just regular wall - and the builder intended for the tv to be up there, because it's the ONLY place they put the cable outlet. It became a giant dust/cobweb/ick magnet and just seemed weird to be to have to lean your head back to see the tv. So that got moved awhile ago. Since then, I've been sort of struggling with how to decorate the mantle because the space is huge and the ceilings are very high.

I haven't solved the decorating dilemma yet, but do you want to see how it turned out? 

Gosh...I really need to break out the real camera. Dang...


Unfortunately, Martha Stewart hasn't made me her product guinea pig and allowed me to test her wallpaper for the projects will stop here for awhile. Oh...and I still have those Grant Beige splotches all over the dining room columns and family is coming this weekend for Mr. 8's confirmation/first communion...
Have I inspired  you to do it yet? I was able to get one wall done in the nursery, above the fireplace...and I think my remnants will be able to do the backsplash. I bought 2 double rolls ($25-ish each). Not bad, right? The big panels of bead board run $20 each, and the nursery would have taken 2 alone. With nothing left over. WINNING! 


1 comment:

  1. This looks great! Isn't beadboard wallpaper an invention of brilliance? I put it in my kids' Jack & Jill bathroom, and it's such a great element without all of the blood, sweat and tears! ;-)
