Places to go

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Gardening...or just moving dirt

First of all, I'd like to say hello and welcome to all of my new followers! I never thought I would have anyone other than family and friends, so to have real people that don't know me is really super exciting. So thank you for that. I hope you find something inspiring sometimes, and other times I hope you just come by to see what kind of trouble I've gotten myself into. I'm VERY HAPPY YOU are here. 

Today may not be one of those days for inspiration. I have a big pile o' dirt sitting in my driveway. B.I.G. No joke. My kids think they've died and gone to heaven and asked if they could keep it there, instead of all the backyard stuff they've got going on. (Could have saved some major moolah there). But we have to break their big soft hearts and move it...slowly....wheel barrow by wheel barrow to the backyard. Where, the chickens will probably throw it all in the grass anyway. And I'm still re-upholstering my wing chairs...but I got stuck on the wing. And my fingers hurt. So I put them away for a little while so I could work on something else before I go crazy. They look very cute, except for being stuck on the wings. And I need more fabric.

So some major shoveling was underway last weekend...and gravel is being delivered Friday. Then...Bum Bummm BUMMMM...I hurt my back. Shoveling you ask? Oh no. Putting lotion on my leg. Yep. So now I'm out of commission for a few days. The baby that seemed so small suddenly feels very very heavy...So, in the meantime, I'm going to find some beautimous pictures to stare at and hope that my backyard magically just appears like this tomorrow...without me having to go shovel gads of dirt and rock. Ugh.

How awesome are these deck chairs from Kmart?

How inviting is this?

Source: via Sara on Pinterest

Source: via Loreen on Pinterest

Thanks for coming by today...I try not to take so much time between posts. But things get busy...then you injure yourself doing nothing. Sheesh.


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wing Chair Re-upholstering

To say I may be in over my head is an understatement. But that's ok. I've been here before. I upholstered my "french chair" and decided that I now can tackle two old wing chairs that have been sitting in my bedroom for quite awhile. They are I used an old Ektorp Slipcover for a couch I no longer have and stapled (and may have used hot glue...shhhh) to just get them manageable until I could deal with them.

 I think I'm ready. Or maybe not...but either way, one is halfway stripped to her bones, so there's no going back now. I will never live in fear of changing the things and home around me into something I love, and you shouldn't either. What's the worst that happens? They aren't going to get any prettier...I've waited. Didn't happen. I have visions of these keeping me afloat.

My chairs will be going in my front living room to soften the leather furniture...I am using a dropcloth as my fabric because I want the nubby texture, and I may use blue ticking for the back/sides. How cool would that be...or not. We'll see!!

Thanks for coming by. Grab a cup of coffee and see what else I've been up to!


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

And the Liebster Goes To:

I received the Liebster Blog Award this weekend from Sarah @ Imperfect Patina (thanks Sarah!!) and have finally determined who the award will be going to next (which, by the way, is NOT easy!). 
This award is aimed at promoting smaller blogs with less than 200 followers, that you feel deserve special recognition.

There are a few simple rules to follow.  In order to accept the award, the recipient will:

1.  Thank the person who gave you the award.
2.  Link back to that person's blog.
3.  Copy and paste the award to your blog.
4.  Present the award to 3-5 blogs of 200 followers or less that you feel deserve this recognition.
5.  Let those blogs know by leaving them a comment.
Here are the blogs that I have chosen:

Thanks for the inspiration ladies!!


Saturday, March 3, 2012

Liebster Blog Award

I woke up this morning to find out that I had received a Liebster Blog Award!

 I received this award from Sarah at Imperfect Patina, which showcase's her beautiful painted furniture. She chooses the BEST colors! Check out her blog (and super cute kids) - I'm pretty sure you'll be inspired.Thanks Sarah for the award!

Like getting an award isn't exciting enough, I took German in college for a couple of years, so getting the "Liebster" award is pretty darn cool!!

I'll post the specifics on the award and who I have chosen to receive it in the next couple of days (soccer and boy scout pine derby car races today!). So go check out Sarah's blog in the meantime!

xo- Chris

Thursday, March 1, 2012

French Chair

Remember that chair I picked up on Craigslist last week? It's made quite the transformation, although it's not finished, I thought I would share what it's looking like right now.

Here is the before (after I slapped some paint on it's arms and legs - because I have no patience)
 It was in great shape - really sturdy, but that fabric was gross...and after I got started, I wondered if I should go get a tetanus booster. Not kidding.

This is layer two. Hmm. I'm thinking 70's, correct me if I'm wrong. Love the coordinating fabrics...double ew. 

Once I pulled this layer off, and took out the 621 gazillion staples, I just used the fabric as a guide to cut my new fabric. I bought a heavier weight Osnaburg fabric at Joann (s) and doubled it up for extra strength. It was on sale for around $3 a yard. YAY! I know it's not as strong as upholstery grade fabric, but it looks like linen and is nubby and perfect. From there it was easy (thanks to my new staple gun that I can actually squeeze with one hand and no naughty words).

Right now, it sits unfinished because I need an actual upholstery part for the until I get around to ordering she is. All frenchy and purdy...

I used multiple layers of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Pure White, and French Linen and distressed her within an inch of her life. She is smooth like silk. I added the grain sack stripes because it was just missing something...I may do another french grain sack stencil next to it. 

Just for fun, here are my inspiration pieces from Pinterest...

Follow Me on Pinterest


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Furniture Feature Fridays