Places to go

Friday, December 23, 2011

Mirror Mirror on the wall...

It may or may not be true that I have a giant, fat, Santa sized crush on sunburst mirrors. I recently saw one for a medium sized penny at one of my local places (which I cannot give away, for fear that those around me will go snatch it up before I get a chance to...bwaaa haaa haaa). I'm thinking that maybe...a fun craft for the next "mom's night in" would be DIY sunburst mirrors. Here are some drool worthy inspiration pictures...
via Mecox Gardens Blog I need that  shiny chest of drawers...(ignore the little voice that says fingerprints and jam hands would be smeared all over that 2 seconds after it crossed the threshold...shhhhhh)

via DecorPad
Do you see it hiding on the wall - this seems totally do-able. I like pretty much everything, except the Egypt sized couch. I'm pretty sure everyone crawling on my furniture would drive me batty. 

via DecorPad
 I think the one I'm hiding in a local store is very similar to this one. No. I will not tell you where.
 Yes please. I'd like 3 to go.

Kate at Centsational Girl
  So, I'm thinking the bandwagon isn't quite full. What do you think? Is the trend on the way out? or here to stay?

1 comment:

  1. It's almost scary how similar our taste is in decor! I just saw that last picture the other day - paint stir sticks - who woulda thought?! I have to figure out what color I'm going to paint that starburst clock thing! Rana
